But even if you don't care about the inconvenience and wastefulness, you care about your skin. Did you know that many liquid detergents contain unnecessary chemicals called optical brighteners? These chemicals have no other purpose but to make your eyes think your clothes are brighter and whiter than they are, and what's the downside? These chemicals stick to your clothes and can come in contact with your skin, irritating it all day and night, especially if your skin is sensitive.
If you’re using capsules you know that those can be a health hazard, because they have a history of being ingested by children and pets. They usually contain similar ingredients to the traditional liquid detergents.
Powder detergents might seem like a good eco-friendly option, but they are incredibly inconvenient. Some powder detergents can put particles in the air that can be dangerous to inhale. It’s another option that I just wouldn’t want in my household.
The list of problems is long, but what is the solution? We can’t just stop using laundry detergent.